At Trnava Frisbee Games one of our goals is to provide everything at one place so players don’t have to travel and can fully focus on competing and having a good time. That is why the event is going to be held at the sports area ASK Slavia where you can find everything you need – competition fields, backup gym, camping site and other housing options, tournament village and even the aquapark so you can go cool down after a hot day. As a bonus, the city centre is not even 10 minutes by walk. Check out the map below and then read more details on single features of the location.

Unfortunately this year, due to some delayed reconstruction, the ultimate players will have to transfer between the main area (Slavia) and the Sports Area „Lokomotiva“. See the map below.

Click to enlarge or download PDF.  Scroll below for interactive Google map.

(Zoom out to see the discgolf course location and the „Lokomotiva“ sports area where some of the Ultimate games will be played)